Saturday, June 20, 2009

June 21...A Special Day

Tomorrow is the longest day of the year. After Sunday, the days start getting gradually shorter for the next six months. I think there will be about 14 hours of daylight tomorrow. The sun has been rising earlier every morning and setting later each night. Therefore, the days have been getting longer.

But, the first day of summer is not why tomorrow is so important. Tomorrow is Father's Day. The Mathews clan will be meeting at our home for lunch, so it ought to be a great day. I love it when everybody is together. Now we have three dads--myself, Jared, and Steve. As little as three years ago it was just me. How quickly life changes. I am going to really enjoy being with everybody!

But, as good as Sunday will be, Father's Day is not why tomorrow is so important. Tomorrow is our 34th wedding anniversary.

It all officially started on June 21, 1975 the day Patti and I got married. I remember playing golf during the day, getting home mid-afternoon and taking a nap. I almost didn't wake up in time to get ready for the wedding, but I did arrive about the time Patti wanted me there. I remember a "ball and chain" being secured to my leg, so I had to duck walk to the car. I remember hiding out at a retired preacher's home, the drive to Pensacola, where we were surprised again, followed by the honeymoon to Disney World.

A lot has happened in the past 34 years. Would I do some things differently? You bet! Yet, I would do the primary things all over again. I must be one of the most fortunate men alive to have Patti by my side after 34 years. I've got two of the best kids anyone could ever hope for. Today we have a daughter-in-law and a son-in-law, who we deeply love, plus four grandchildren. They are all the most precious people in all the world.

If I had not met Patti in 1974 and married her in 1975, none of this would have happened. There would be no Jared and Miranda. There would be a Tiffany and a Steve, but we would not know them as family. There would not be four adorable children that are our grandchildren.

So, tomorrow when we acknowledge fatherhood in our worship service, when we share lunch with each other, and when it is 8:30 when it starts getting good as all that will be, I'll be thinking about June 21, 1975 and the effects of that day in 2009!

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