Scripture: "In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths." Proverbs 3:6 ESV
Every January people all over America desire to lose weight, but many are not willing to pay the price by February. It is not just extra pounds that people want to lose. Some would like to discard some bad habits, take on perhaps a service to others, or do something personal for themselves. It is all about change.
Every Christmas for the last 35 years I have spent the last week of the year in Mobile, Alabama. It has been a great time for us to spend with family and friends. I usually spent most of those weeks at a desk in my mother-in-law's dining room. I would plan for the coming year, complete writing projects, send notes to particular individuals, and read. It was my time to do what I wanted to do while Patti shopped. All that changed this year, by design.
This year I spent very little time at that desk. I did not read one page of a novel. I did a little planning, but did not send any notes. I probably did not spend two hours doing what I've done for 35 years. This year my top priorities were to walk an hour each day and shop for what I wanted. I walked every morning in the Bel Air Mall and shopped every afternoon. It was out of my realm, but I enjoyed it immensely.
It is all about change. You have to want to do it, whether it is losing weight, exercising, writing, or planning. You have to want it badly enough to be willing to give up something else. If you want to have a daily Quiet Time in 2012, you have to be willing to give up the time to do it and it has to be worth more to you than what you seem to be missing. Our spiritual lives can be improved and changed just like our physical and emotional lives. We too often let our spiritual lives slide and they end up taking a back seat to everything else in life.
Application: What would you like to change in your life?
What would it take to start this change?
Would you be willing to give it a 30-day trial?
Prayer: Lord, it is a new year and I am sick and tired of the old me. I am frustrated concerning my constant procrastination. I can't stand the old habit of ______________ that I've held onto for so long. I fail to do some of the things _____________that I know would bring about change in my life. I want to begin this year with you and take my eyes off of myself. Guide me through the days ahead that I might implement what would change me in this new year. I trust in you. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.